The Vassa has ended, this marks my first Vassa a a Bhikkhu, a fully ordained Buddhist Monk. so what is it that i have learnt from this retreat period? I must admit that my meditation has not gone so well, however i have learnt many valuable lessons.
I have wrote a little poem for the ending of the Vassa. It is playful and thus should be read in that manner, many who read it may not be able to understand some of the things in it due to the fact that there are in-house jokes contained within it.
Bhante Sujato, also called the sublime one, he has established metta in us, the one who points out the true way and has established us in the right view of the establishments of mindfulness, he is known as the Sublime one by the mother to us all, she has spread her waves of motherly love over us and has blessed us with her many gifts of chocolate, Eva the one who had a little “turn”, is now to be found again in her little chair.
jagariya, the one who known for her chanting, her face always to be seen with the joy of laughter. It is always a delight to be her in presence, she has revived the look of the noble bhikkhunis of ages long ago
Tapassi has burnt up all worrys of others with regard to the chaos of accommodation, he always has some useful inputs to the sutta classes, he robe always neat, he is always willing to share.
Life is never dull when good old Jag is around, he always has wit, and some good jokes too, he seems strict, but deep down he cares. The lord of the world
Quite never without his cap, Peter outshines us all with his never ceasing kind generosity, with out a compliant or thought for himself, he is always willing to give you a hand.
Dr Darryl the strict dietitian, we must all love the beautifully drawn door-knob and your mountains of garlic and molasses
With Amaravati the shrine is clean and the Bodhi tree well watered, the stores clean and, she is quietly withdrawn.
Mahesi, the lord of the hand bags, he has a cheeky smile but has touched the hearts of many with his silence that is unremitting.
Adhering to right speech, Arinna is a lover of the dhamma, a true fighter for non-discrimination.
Although she munches on coffee beans, Mel can bring about many good things from what she has learnt, a fast typer and, she bring a good perspective like a lamp into the places of darkness.
We have completed the Vassa,
Now things will get faster,
but we will try to remain true,
because we don't want to hit the blues,
with each other many things can be done,
which will be a lot of fun.
Remembering the goodness in others will bring us closer,
one community with a goal, the goal of which has no soul,
this love of the dhamma in this hot summer,
Will hopefully bring us to Nibbana.