I have taken over the office and accommodation position here at Santi FM. A Demanding job that can take a lot of time and can also lead to distractions which is partly my own fault. I must learn to be a bit more disciplined...
Bhante Sujato and Ayya Samacitta have gone to Singapore and fly out of Singapore tonight to Taiwan.

Picture of Ayya Sama posing for the camera
It marks a page in the story of my life I guess with Ayya Samacitta leaving Santi FM. We were good friends, someone I connected with on some level (in anon-sexual way). It was about two years ago when I met her when I was 17... I am now 20, time passes doesn't it? where to go from here, how much more time to waste away and proliferate? Ayya Sama and I called each other Sister. In Chinese if you say sister it has to be either older or younger, I called her older sister and she called me younger.
What direction is my monastic life going in? I feel I have a lot on and a lot of things to do and not enough time, I waste some of it of course.
In about two and a half weeks I think I might be giving my first talk... How scary! I am not even ten vassa yet! the reason being is that Bhante is overseas and the monk who could fill in for him could only cover two weeks so that leaves one week open. Thus the Santi monks and nuns will do the empty slot. What will i say if i have to give a talk? Eva our lovely anagarika suggests i give a talk on vinaya like I gave to the novices, but do lay people want to hear about the sekiya rules? hmm. After some talk it seems something on monastic life and daily life. Maybe that might be good because many lay people hear about Dhamma but not much about monastic life, but i will see what happens.
Last night I read the Sutta about the Picture of Ayya Sama posing for the camera. It is a good Sutta about how to deal with bodily pain, easier talked about then to do. Here is a link to Ajahn Geoff's translation if you would like to read it. click here.
Well I will sign off here, no poem this time.