Saturday, 26 January 2008

The monk Story

The monk Story

You can also see the video with;
Hungarian subtitles
Polish subtitles


  1. This is amazing, Tapassi...

    Hope you're well.

    With love, Tina.

  2. have to say we were all quite shocked to see our photos in the vid..

  3. The video was made very quickly because it the man who made it wanted it to be in a film festival and was filmed all in one day and was edited in two or so days so it could be entered, however it didn't make it through.

    Sorry i didn't ask you guys for your permission, it was all made very quickly. If you would like the pictures removed from the video please let me know.

    The video has been very successful with 1607 hits so far!

    Bhikkhu Tapassi

  4. oh no, that's not what I meant. I wasn't angry. it was just a shock!
